Where the heck did the name “Stubby Tail Studios” come from?
The name and logo are an amalgamated tribute to two of my sweet kitties, Gingerale and Kumquat. One was a hefty ginger tabby, and one was a black cat with an unusually shaped stub tail that kinda looked like a stick shift. They were both love sponges and will always have a special place in my heart.
What materials do you use?
The short and cheeky answer is: alot. The more professional answer would be that I primarily use Adobe Photoshop when I work digitally, but I use a wide range of materials when I work traditionally. I like to use multiple mediums when possible, so it’s not uncommon for me to use watercolor, colored pencils and ink all in the same piece of artwork. My favorite art materials include Prismacolor colored pencils, Windsor Newton and Daniel Smith watercolors, Dr. Ph. Martin’s inks as well as Stonehenge, Fabriano and Canson paper.
Can I get a tattoo of your artwork?
Sure! It’s always an honor when someone shows interest in getting my art permanently affixed to their skin. Just a heads up, however, that some of my artwork may not translate perfectly as a tattoo, so just be aware of that. If you do choose to get a tattoo of my artwork, please credit both the tattoo artist and myself.
Are you open for commissions?
No, not for the foreseeable future.
Are you available for freelance work?
Possibly yes, it really depends on my availability and the content of the project. Please contact me about any inquiries and I would be happy to discuss the project info.
Can I repost your work?
Yes but only if you credit, tag or link back to the original work. This should go without saying, but do not reuse my artwork. Reposting and reusing artwork are different things. Thank you!